Asset Management


Costs of not knowing

Confidence in collected data is one of the most common concerns expressed by Asset Managers of State and the Local Governments. Grace Coring has been involved in discussions with asset management staff to collaboratively investigate ways of improving the landscape in terms of best available information. Replacing assumptions with scientifically backed statistical information, providing unambiguous, intuitive insight into what they've got to work with.

Timing of the acquisition of representative data plays a critical role in resource forecasts and we provide a proven methodology for getting pavement and sub-grade profile data on the desk well ahead of time. With prompt and accurately collected profile information, the Life Cycle associated budget forecasting assumptions in the roads asset management plan can then be relied on, reducing possible surprises using the pre-construction investigation findings.

Field investigation data is stored and accessible for Asset Managers through our dedicated web portal with option to view or download required information.

We can provide our skills and knowledge and work together with Asset Managers at all levels in the delivery of our service, assisting in fulfilling continuous improvement goals.